"If you plant tomato's close to jalapenos you will get hot tomato's. Many other plants and vegetables cannot grow around certain types of other plants or vegetables. Because they take on the characteristics of what they are around. Certain plants cannot grow near a black walnut tree, or even near its roots, because they take in the toxins that the black walnut tree produces. However, a mustard tree, can be grown around anything! It is not affected by its surroundings! You could plant a mustard seed right on top of a jalapeno seed and it will grow to be nothing BUT a mustard tree, completely unaffected by the jalapeno.
Now,with this knowledge, reading the scripture again, brings new understanding. It isn't so much on how "small" the mustard seed is, But rather that the mustard seed is unaffected by its surroundings, environment, or what conditions may be present!
Therefore, so should our Faith, "be like unto the mustard seed".
Unwavering, unaffected by what we see, or what conditions may exist, no matter where we are. To ever keep our eyes upon the Lord, trusting in, clinging to and relying upon Him."
I loved this little commentary about the mustard seed. But when my teacher read the first part of this quote my immediate thought was that of standing alone. It reminded me of a quote.
"My young friends, be strong. ... You know what is right and what is wrong, and no disguise, however appealing, can change that [truth]. If your so-called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong, you be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone."
I loved this little commentary about the mustard seed. But when my teacher read the first part of this quote my immediate thought was that of standing alone. It reminded me of a quote.
"My young friends, be strong. ... You know what is right and what is wrong, and no disguise, however appealing, can change that [truth]. If your so-called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong, you be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone."
-President Thomas S. Monson
Sometimes I feel like I am standing alone. I am not trying to say that I am perfect or am I trying to point out others faults. But there are defiantly times when I stand up for something and others mock me. It is hard to stand up for the things that we know are right and true. But it is easy because we remember that the Lord is the greatest of all. No matter how many are against us, there are so many more behind those that stand up for truth. Just like the mustard tree that stands alone from any other plant, so must we at times stand away from the world. We are not to conform to the world and its standards. We are to stand up for truth and righteousness even if that means standing alone!
(P.S This is for Michelle G.)
(P.S This is for Michelle G.)
This is awesome! Good stuff to think about, thanks for sharing! :)
I accidentally found your post when I was searching for the mustard tree picture.
You say: "the mustard seed is unaffected by its surroundings, environment, or what conditions may be present" and "Unwavering, unaffected by what we see, or what conditions may exist, no matter where we are."
It serves well for your point, but I was reminded of another proverb in the same chapter of Scripture. The parable of the seeds falling in wayside, stony place, among thorns or on the good ground, and how they are all affected differently.
Your post can bring encouragement, however, I think the point of mustard seed parable is clear: is the least of seeds but when it grows is greater. Our Lord did not speak about mustard seed growing in ground among other plants. The Scripture makes just a one point (sometimes it can truly be more points than our eye can see, however, I believe not this one) and I do not think it is wise to practice adding and interpreting Scripture with our own thoughts, even if we do it with right intentions.
However, be blessed, sister, and keep on loving God's Word and telling of treasures you find there.
J. L.
To J.L.:. It is the Living Word Of God. Emphasis on Living.
We are to walk by faith, not by sight. The Parable of the mustard seed, is one, and different than that of the seed being sown amongst the thorns, path, stone and good ground, as well as the parable of the seed of tares being sown.
We are to live by the leading of The Holy Spirit and it is He that reveals the hidden mysteries of s ripture, which has been hidden until this appointed time. Do not be the cause of any to stumble, instead, take all things to your Father in heaven, first, lest you be relying upon your own understanding and presenting it to others, to which we will be held accountable. He anoints those He has appointed for that task.
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