Monday, May 11, 2009

May 11th Email

Dear Family and Friends,

It was good to hear from some of you yesterday! It is always good to call home! It lifts my spirits and helps me move forward to have so much support! Thank you for all of you and the many prayers that are said in my behalf.

We started teaching someone new this week. It is a couple that has a lot of health problems. The wife is a member and the husband is going to be baptized. They just moved here from Nebraska and the husband was meeting with the missionaries up there. Before we taught him anything we set a baptismal date with him. His whole life is devoted to getting baptized. He is trying so hard to stop smoking. His whole life is a prayer to God. It is really cool because he is so sincere in his prayers. Him and his wife are going through a hard time but they both know that there is only one source of strength and that is their Heavenly Father. In the middle of our conversations he will start praying because that is his only way of survival. We should all be more like this and make our lives more in touch with God!
Well, as always my time is short and I must close. I love you all and pray for you.

Sister Comte

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