Friday, July 13, 2012

Arizona Trip

It happened so fast and the time was well spent!  At the end of May I went down to see Todd, Deedra, and Hunter.  I had the time of my life!  I was there over Memorial Day weekend which was really fun.  We did so much, that I don't even know where to start.  Here are some of the highlights:
Deedra's cooking
Smores every night
Science experiments with Hunter
Todd's enthusiasm at the Miniature Museum
Being at Fort Huachuca
Craft Night with Deedra's friends
The Greek Restaurant
The pool slides
Hunter picking out my earrings everyday
Teaching Hunter's class at church
Sleeping in a hammock
Movies and Games with Popcorn
Being treated like royalty for an entire week!
It was a trip I will never forget!  Below you will find pictures of some of our adventures and then some quotes that funny Hunter said!  I hope I get to go back soon!
 Hunter and his green eyes

 "Another picture seriously!!"

 I am one cool dude!

 We made a jet pack together!


 Hunter shooting off a canon

 Elephant toothpaste

 Tired from a day at the zoo

The Zoo
 Hunter is so funny!  Here are some of my favorite quotes:

Jody, it's not a pencil.  It's a smencil!
I find us all guilty of not going to the pool.
I believe in Santa Claus and Jesus, an Justin Bieber
J: What part of church do you like the best?  H:The last part, when you get to go home!
I WANT TO HIT A DEER WITH OUR CAR! ( I am yelling because there is an exclamation point at the end of my sentence)
Look I have alien eyes. (said while wearing green googles.)
J: Hunter, I am getting dressed please leave my room. H: I am just trying to protect you!
(While looking in the mirror) I like lots of me!
That's a long word, why do we even need it?
J: Hunter please don't fart in my face. H: Don't worry!  I only fart when the tank is full!
T: I want to go there someday. H: We can't just jump through the t.v, Dad!
I am such a thirsty pig!
Jody, why are you packing? I told you you could hide in my closet!