Tuesday, March 3, 2009

March 2nd Email

Dear Family and Friends

Its time for you favorite email of the week! I love this work so much. I think it is so much fun. It brings others a lot of happiness but it brings a lot of happiness to mine as well. The things people say to you are so funny. You never know what people are going to say to you. It brings me great joy to meet others and hear about their life stories.

This week has gone by so fast. We are now at the start of a new transfer. Sister Stewart and I are both staying together. We are really excited about it. The work is going really well and we are teaching a lot. Time flies when we are so busy. The last six weeks have escaped us and we are starting another cycle! It is crazy how fast time goes!

Yesterday was Fast Sunday and it was a pretty normal day. Nobody said anything weird. Some lady said that her mother had had an emergency this week. Her daughter has had seizures her whole life and when anything happened she would say “Make the safe call.” She meant by that to call someone in the church because they were always willing to help. Of course, if it is a medical emergency than you need to call the ambulance. But she likened this to spiritual emergencies in our lives. When we are going through trials, make the safe call to our Heavenly Father. He will always be there for us.

We are teaching a really neat family right now. The wife is a member and her husband is taking the discussions. They are like our parents. They are always watching out for us. The wife has adopted four children and has two of her own. The husband has no children but takes care of his wives. All the children are older, the youngest is 14 and they have a 15 year old as well. They are really cool. We hope to get them involved in Mutual. The kids want too especially the 15 year old. We taught Dave, the husband, about the Word of Wisdom this week. He was very accepting of it. He wants to be a member and has felt the spirit. It is really neat to see this family come together! I love seeing the beginnings of an eternal family!!

I love you all. I am so thankful for this opportunity to serve the Lord. He has blessed me in do many ways. It is because of him that I am who I am today! My companion and I have started a new thing where we sing to end each lesson. This brings the spirit into the end of the lesson that we will leave with them. It is the spirit that has a big job, not us!

Sister Comte

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