Tuesday, March 10, 2009

March 9th Email

Dear Family and Friends

I don’t know where the time has gone this morning and I hope I have enough to write all that I want to say! This week has been wonderful! On Tuesday during studies someone knocked on our door. This never happens unless we are expecting it. The man that knocked was selling prepaid legal and once we told him who we were he told us that we probably weren’t interested. But we did talk to him about the gospel. He said he would come to church and we are hoping to start teaching him!

We are working with a wonderful family right now, the Deyoe’s. The wife, Sherree, is a member but her husband, Dave is not. Dave is getting baptized next Sunday! Sherree has four kids that she has adopted, three of which live with her. The 14 and 15 year old are really neat. We have been trying to teach them for weeks. The 15 year old, Mary, wants to go to girl’s camp. The ward has really pulled together and welcomed them in. We had a break through this week because of the ward. The 14 year old came to mutual and wants to come again. This family is great and it is wonderful to see them embrace the gospel. We talked about temples last night and how they can be sealed for all eternity in a year. This is one of their goals now! It was exciting because they stayed for all three hours!!!

Just because I am on my mission doesn’t mean I don’t get to play with children anymore. I know that God has given me many opportunities to teach and play with kids here on my mission. This last week I made missionary tags for some kids in our ward. Their dad is our ward mission leader. They have some really cute kids. I am attaching pictures so that you can see them with their tags! I still love the children!

On Tuesday night a lady from our ward died. Her name was Crystal She was 45 but was suffering from many health problems. She was in a wheelchair and had a trach (don’t know how to spell it.) She was very sick and her living conditions were horrible. She was the only member of her family and was inactive for many years. It was just in the last 6 months that she decided to come back to church. She died at the spiritual high of her life. Her family though had a hard time with it. The funeral went well though. It was interesting because some didn’t agree to what was being said by the bishop and others from the ward. This lady could do here on earth what she wanted most to do. What she wanted most was to sing and dance. A lady from the ward was teaching her sign language and at the funeral signed a song for the lady that passed. I know that Crystal is singing and dancing in paradise today. What a comforting thought! I hope I go at my spiritually high point. Sister Stewart and I sang “Each Live that Touches Ours for Good.” It turned out really nice. It was a great missionary tool because it sparked people’s interest and we talked to a few people that want to know more about the gospel!

We had a baptism yesterday. A young boy by the name of Bryce was baptized. He is 12 and he loves the church. His dad is a member and so is his grandma. It was a great baptism with lots of people there. The spirit was really strong. The family, his dad, grandma, aunts and uncles, have been inactive for years but most are coming back now. It is awesome to see this family progress. Bryce wants to share the gospel with everyone he sees. He asked if we could come swimming next weekend with him and his friends We had to let him know we can’t go swimming so he decided that we could just come and sit by the pool!! HAHA

We had a wonderful training this week on prayer. I fully believe in the power in prayer! Someone said this “The most important appointment of the week is the one spent on your knees.” We must first spiritually create our day and then physically do it! We do something here on our missions called a mighty prayer of faith. We express gratitude and are very specific about those we are praying for. I encourage all of you to prayer whenever and wherever you can. I promise you that you life’s will be better. I know they will improve!

Thank you so much for all you do. I love you so much!! I continually pray for you all. I know that my Savior lives and the He love us! Keep on praying!!!

Sister Comte

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