Sunday, June 13, 2010

Mysteries of Moster Grove

This Friday Heidi and I took her girls to a play at BYU. It was entitled "Mysteries of Monsters Grove." It was so cute and funny! It was about a little girl, named Amelia, who's family moves to a new place called Monster's Grove. They move there because the monsters need a new accountant. Amelia's dad is hired for the new position. Amelia is very worried about the move and gets even more anxious when her father disappears. The audience gets to help figure out the mystery of where her father has gone. The monsters included mummy, werewolf, witch, Frankenstein, skeleton, ogre, swamp thing, and Draculette. I won't ruin the ending because who knows, one day you may find yourself in Monster's Grove!!

This is when Amelia first meets her new neighbors!!!

Amelia wants to be a detective when she grows up! Here she is questioning the monsters to find out where her Father has disappeared to.
Wouldn't you be a little frightened if Draculette invited you to her castle for dinner?

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