Friday, September 17, 2010

Blog to Book

It has been way too long!! Last weekend, my mother's elementary school, had its annual Carnival. When I was younger and going to Barnett, the carnival happened around Halloween and was held indoors. Now it is held outdoors and is held in September. They had so many fun games that they never had before. The school had gotten a company to come in with all of their blow up toys. They had big slides and obstacle courses. It was so much fun.
Anyways, I went of course to help my mom and to spend some time with Kirstee and Makadee. While there I ran into a family friend. She was taking pictures of everything her children did. I asked her why she was taking them and she told me about how she blogged. She told me about a program called Blog to Book. She turns her family blog into a book! I love that idea! Right then and there I decided that I wanted to be more faithful at my blog so that I can start preserving more memories for my future life!
The first thing I want to catch up on is my wonderful family. We were very lucky to get to see Todd, Deedra, and Hunter this summer. They made the long trip up to Utah for Grandma's funeral. It was so fun to see them and to get to be with them for almost two weeks! Deedra and I are quite good friends so it was cool to have someone to hang out with! This is what Hunter liked to do best: get on Aunt Jody's computer and play games or watch movies!
Speaking of my Grandmother's funeral, it was beautiful and full of light, just the way Grandma would have wanted it. It was fun for all the family to get together and celebrate her life. I wish I had a copy of her life video to put up but sadly I don't. It was a very long week filled with family events and a quick trip to Idaho but we survived. Here are some pictures of the family throughout the week!
Michele and I in front of Grandma's Coffin with pink roses!
A big highlight for me was finally getting to meet the famous John, Michele's husband!
(And he is just as cool as everyone said he was)
This is what we did most of the time that we were at the burial site: Chase Hunter!
Hunter was done with his tie within the first few minutes of getting to the cemetery! So it would have been really expensive for the family to transport Grandma to Idaho in a hearse. We decided to transport Grandma in a trailer and my uncle would pull the trailer with his truck. We, my uncle Brent and his family and our family, went to breakfast before the burial. Hunter announces to the waitress, as my Uncle pulls up to the restaurant with the trailer, "My Grandma's in that trailer, she's dead." It was really a funny moment. The poor waitress was mortified!
Marley with Grandpa and Uncle Brent!
On our way home we bought this funny mustache for Hunter! It was so much fun and kept us entertained for awhile!

I have also been doing alot of crafts lately. My mom needed me to make some things for her secret sister at girl's camp! I made a really cute tote bag, several flower clips, a cute letter "N", bookmarks and washer necklaces. Too bad I didn't take any pictures. I did take pictures though of the adorable shirts that I made for Kirstee and Makadee! I made them shirts for the 24th of July! They turned out so well that my mom wants one as well!

Kirstee and Makadee with their patriotic cupcakes!
Isn't she cute?

Heidi, the girls, Marley, and I went to the Spanish Fork parade on the 24th of July. The girls were so happy to have Marley with us!

During Education Week at BYU I ran into a lady that I taught on my mission. She was inactive but is now active and does a lot in the Lakewood Ranch Ward! I was so over happy to see her. We set up a time to meet for lunch and I immediately called Shauna, formally known as Sister Stewart. We were both so happy to see how well Tari was doing! It was great to have lunch and catch up on good old times! Please forgive the horrible picture of me with my eyes closed and gum sticking out of my mouth!
I have been looking forward to Labor day weekend probably since I got home! I love Labor Day because that means one thing for Payson: ONION DAYS!!! On Friday I went straight from work to Heidi's. We went and did a scavenger hunt around Payson and then decided we would take the girls to the carnival! We ate scones, rode rides, and got out faces painted! We then had a sleepover, which Kirstee was gracious enough to give me her bed for the night. We woke up early and decorated bikes for the children's parade. I then walked with Makadee in the parade as Kirstee rode her bike. Makadee's front tire went flat about 10 minutes into waiting for the parade to start! The girls were so happy to get popsicles and tickets to the carnival. We then watched the talent show because some of my other cousins children were in it. By the time we finished the talent show and one ride at the carnival, we were soooooooo tired that we headed home! Mom and I returned though, just a few hours later, to the park! We went shopping through the craft booths and then listened to the adult talent show!
On Sunday Ryan, Sam and Marley came to our house for dinner and for more Onion Day festivities. After dinner we went to the park for the annual band concert. Marley loved it and we had fun mostly talking with each other!
Monday was officially Labor day and that always means the Grand Parade! It was really fun this year. We caught and ate a lot of candy, clapped for those we knew and those we didn't, and overall had a "grand" time at the parade. We then went to the car show and back to the craft booths. We ended the day with a barbeque! It was a long weekend full of great activities. We were all so tired at the end of Monday! It was so fun though to have Ryan, Sam and Marley over. I love them so much! I can't wait for next year! Here are some pictures of the excitement!

Marley with Uncle Scott! She loves him so much! (not actually from Labor Day, but still really cute)
Marley loves this little rocking chair!
Marley using a watermelon as a chair!
This post is really long! Sorry! As for me I am doing well! I am living in Provo now and I have started school. It is a lot of work, but what is worth it without the work!

1 comment:

merrilykaroly said...

Yeah, I made a blogbook with a whole bunch of "babyjosh show" posts in it and am just waiting for a good sale so I can print it out :). I think it's an awesome idea!

I have never been to onion days. It sounds stinky :) (just kidding.) I loved reading about all the fun you have had lately-- I imagined you saying it all in your voice and could totally picture you saying it!

You're the coolest, Jody. But we all knew that. It's obvious how much you adore your family.