Tuesday, November 11, 2008

November 10th Email

This week has flown by. It is already the second week of the transfer and the tenth day of November! Life goes by fast when you are having fun!

We had zone conference this Wednesday. We talked about the fundamentals of the Florida Tampa Mission. In this mission we give church tours instead of teaching people in their homes. They can feel the spirit more in the church and there are alot less distractions. We also talked about members helping this work along. The most effective way to do missionary work is with the members. An easy way to share the gospel is by being an example. At baptism we all promised that we would take on Jesus' name. Out here on a mission, we have Jesus' name over our hearts. If only we all had a physical reminder of this covenant we made at baptism. Try and imagine His name over your heart and how you would act. Try to live this way. Just because you don't have a physical reminder (i.e a tag) you still carry His name. So act like it. You will never know who is watching you.

Friday we went to the Ridgeway's home. The dad has been a member all his life and the wife was baptized on the first of this month. Their oldest son is 8 and their other son is 6. They asked if we would start teaching their oldest. When we went over there to teach their son, Zion, his cousin was over. She is also 8. Both of them set in on the lesson and loved it. His cousin, Kaitlin, is really excited about the gospel and wants to learn more. Kaitlin's mom also sat in on the discussion. Her mother told us that Kaitlin has been asking all sorts of questions about religion. She said "I guess she is just at the age where she wants to know what is right." I don't think it is a coinsidence that she is 8, do you? So know we are teaching the whole family. They all came to church yesterday.

On Saturday, we had another car wash. We gave ten church tours and the ward had a blast. After the car wash, my companion and another sister went to Tampa for a baptism. I went with my old companion, Sister Hofheins, to teach a girl that is dating a boy who is a member. She was really receptive to what we taught her. When we talked about Joseph Smith, she said that she had already prayed about him. She said that she knew that he did see God the Father and Jesus Christ. She knew it was the truth. It was amazing!! I am so grateful to see how her testimony started to bloom!

In church yesterday someone said this quote and I really liked it. They said "When you lose yourself in service, there will be so much more of you to find." I really liked that!

Well, all is still going well. I can't wait to hear from you all next week. I wish you all the best!!!

Sister Comte

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Didn't you all get shivers when you read this post and feel the spirit in her words~ Love ya Jody :)