Wednesday, July 29, 2009

July 27th Email

Dear Family and Friends,

It has been a really good week. Monday we went on exchanges with the sisters that are serving in Tampa. I stayed here and Sister Walton came from Tampa. We had so much fun together. We tracted into a really nice man named Edward. A lot of people tell us that they will come to the church and learn more. Most of them you never see again but Edward actually came. We were so excited. He is really interested and accepting of our beliefs. He is also a man of his word; when he says he will be there he will be there! I love it!

On Friday we went to an investigators home for dinner. His wife is a member and he has been taking the lessons for over a year. We are going to start re-teaching him and committing him to do things. I think that he will go far if we are sweetly bold with him. He is more active than some of the members of the ward. He is from England and has a wonderful accent. I hope we can explain the importance of being urgent in keeping God’s commandments.

On Saturday we had a pioneer day activity. We had almost 700 people there. It was amazing to see. We had a really good time together. It was good for all of us to remember what the pioneers did for us. What they did has to be done by all who are in the church. The pioneers left the life that they knew, the comforts they enjoyed, and their own comfort zones to do what the prophet had asked of them. Each one of us must too decide for ourselves if we believe in the prophet and are willing to do what he asks of us. I am sure there were many who thought the prophet was crazy for the things that he asked them to do. But some knew he was a prophet and followed what he said, whether crazy or not.

Yesterday my companion and I spoke on missionary work. I wanted to say something that people hadn’t heard before. But I am sure they have heard it all. But I tried to convey that sharing the gospel is done out of love. Our Heavenly Father wants us to be happy but to be happy we must look outside of ourselves. A great way to do this is to always be looking for someone that needs the gospel and thinking about how you can share it with them. It is easy with God on our side!!

I know that this church is true. The Book of Mormon is another testament of our Savior, Jesus Christ. What a wonderful message we have to share with others, that God lives and that He has called a prophet to lead and guide us in these days!!

Love Sister Comte

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