Saturday, June 18, 2011

Night Owl Sleep Over Party

A year ago I promised Kirstee, Makadee, October, and Michelle (my cousin's little girls) that we would have a sleepover together. A promise is a promise so when the girls made a comment about it a couple months ago I knew that if I didn't start planning I would never do it. So off to work I went. I have a thing for owls, I just think they are so cute. I found an owl party online and it spark the idea for a night owl sleep over.
My ideas came from
Last night was the night! I had delivered invitations earlier on in the week and the girls started to arrive at 6:15. I don't know who was more excited, me or the girls. We started the evening with a scavenger hunt which lead us to some very fun gifts. We then had a dance party outside. We watched a movie outside on my laptop and then we went to bed. The sleeping part is much easier said than done. The girls were so excited. I finally told them that if they couldn't sleep together than I would separate them. I didn't hear much after that! To say we had fun would be an understatement! We had a blast and we can't wait for the next one!
Our Owl Haven. This is where we slept, underneath the halo as the girls called it.
I made these pillows for the girls. Our scavenger hunt lead us to theses! Each girl got their own special owl. (From left to right) Makadee got Princess Owl, Michelle got Giggle Owl, Kirstee got Sweet Tooth Owl, and October got Sunshine Owl.

These felt owls I made out of styrofoam balls. Only one is pictured but there were 5 of them hanging from the ceiling. The girls loved them and each took one home!

Each owl came with its own description. This was the first time they saw their pillows. It was all worth it to see the girls faces. They were so excited and so grateful! What gracious young girls they were!

Makadee loving her owl!

Dancing the night away!

The girls with their pillows and their owl junior pets!

The next morning under the Halo! After this picture the girls braided and twisted all the strands. They thought it was so cool!

Crazy pictures of us! We were having so much fun!
I love these girls and am so grateful for the opportunity I had to have them for a night. I can't wait for the next time!


Lyle Comte said...

Oh my Jody girl! It was worth all that work to see the fun and the happy smiles. It makes me happy to think that you did all that for them and had so much fun doing it. You are awesome, my dear! Love, Mother

Collette Mae said...

Haha Jode you rock. Those girls are so lucky to have you!!! :)And by lucky I mean blessed.

The Holdaway Family said...

Oh, my gosh! You are seriously the best! What a fun night for the girls!

Mish said...

Oh Jojo. You are God's gift to children, indeed.

michele said...

Wow, Jody! That looks fun! It must have taken you hours to make those owls! Those girls are lucky to have you!