Tuesday, December 30, 2008

December 29th Email

Dear Family and Friends,

I hope all of you had a very merry Christmas. Mine was filled with great joy because I got to talk to the family! It was great to hear from them and all the good things that are happening back home. We spent Christmas Eve at some members home. We had a really good dinner and then got to play with the 7 children that were there. One of the brothers of the ward brought his guitar and we sang Christmas songs. It made me think of Uncle Nolan and how he would sometimes play for us during the holidays. The family whose house we were at gave us some lip gloss and a box of chocolate macadamia nuts. We were really excited about them.

On Christmas we opened presents from our families, friends and each other. My companion made me a picture calendar and a little book of quotes. Both were very nicely done. I loved them! We then went to breakfast at a member’s home. We had breakfast casserole. It was very good. We then watched Christmas with the Kranks. (We are allowed to watch movies on Christmas.) We then watched Santa Clause 2. While I was watching it my companion was calling her family. We then went over to another member’s home for Christmas dinner. We ate and saw all the children’s new toys. By the time I had finished eating it was my turn to call my family.

I was shocked to hear Todd’s voice when the phone was answered. My Dad and Todd had arranged for him to come home. It was a great surprise to talk to him. I cried the most when I talked to Hunter. I could barely talk to him because it was hard to hold back my emotions. He is getting so big and talking a lot. I was happy that he told me about the snow because it was 75 degrees in Florida and I got three mosquito bits while talking to the family!

After my phone call we went back over to the first people’s house we were at. We watched Santa Clause 3. We than went home and cleaned up the apartment for the evening. The ward was very generous to us and we got a lot of gift cards for food from different people in the ward. We also got some supplies to write home with! The best gift of all though was being able to serve the Savior at this time of year. The great thing is that I will probably get to be on my mission for next years Christmas as well.

Our lesson this Sunday was on “Finding Joy in the Journey.” This is a talk given by President Monson. Sister Anderton and I actually read this together in companionship study a few days earlier. I love this talk. It talks about how we are to endure to the end. Time is very precious and it is something that we will never get back. Take every minute and live it to the fullest. If you dwell on the positive, than your life will be much happier. The talk says “Not every cloud brings rain.” When a new opportunity comes your way, jump for joy at the possibilities that it can bring with it. When things don’t go as planned, remember that you can still be happy! Happiness is a choice not a circumstance!!!

In sacrament there was a musical number. Two men and two women sang “O, Holy Night.” A lady played the piano and another lady played the bassoon. It made me think of Michele. It was a beautiful number. The spirit was really strong. We have a very good ward. The High Counselor spoke about enduring to the end as well. He said that it is part of our baptismal covenants. If you read in Mosiah 18:8-10 it says something to the effect of how we must do certain things even until the end. This is talking about enduring or enjoying life to the end. Who knows when the end will be but when it comes I want to be standing tall!

The time is going by so fast. Next year when I call for Christmas I will only have about 6 weeks left in my mission. I am so thankful for this experience. I have learned a lot and I know that I would not have learned these things at home. I love the Lord. I know that He lives and that He loves us very much! I know that Joseph Smith restored this gospel and that it is now blessing millions of lives everywhere. I know that we have a living prophet today. I know that he talks to God and that it is through divine revelation that He leads His church. I hope all of you will become missionaries where ever you are at. A good part of missionary work is done through the members. I know that life is hard but if we can stay positive and moving forward we will be greatly blessed.

I love you all and wish you all the best. Have a great New Year. Resolve this year to be a little more Christlike and to change your hearts to become His servant.

Sister Comte

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