Tuesday, September 22, 2009

September 21st Email

Dear Family and Friends,

It has been a marvelous week here in Valrico, Florida! The Gleason's, Katie and Michael, are getting baptized on the 10th of October. We are so excited. We watched Legacy with them this week. They loved it. They mom asked if we could move in because they are so well behaved when we are around. They are such good kids. Michael is so excited because he will be able to get the priesthood. He wants to be able to pass the sacrament with the other boys!

The Browns are doing good. Brother Brown is out of town for awhile but we are trying to strengthen his family so that they can help him progress. We had family home evening with them last night. We talked about Alma 50 and building fortifications aroung our homes. The Browns have five children. A girl that is 15, a girl that is 13, a boy that is 7, and twins, a boy and girl, that are 2. The younger kids built a city out of blocks and then built a wall around the city so that we could protect the city. We then talked with the older girls about how they could help their mom make their home a safe place. The girls talked about Family Home Evening, Family prayers, and family meals. We also talked about what we bring into our home as far as the media goes. We talked about the movies we watch and the music we listen to. The girls both agreed that once we let Satan in a little bit, he will come in as far as he can budge. They decided to just leave him at the sidewalk as they enter the house.

We went this morning to the zoo with Sister Brown and the twins for P-Day. It was so much fun. I almost got licked by a giraffe. It was so disgusting! I got to see my first huge Florida gator. They had a ton of them. We also got to pet sting rays and see a baby gorilla swinging from the trees. The kids loved it and so did we. It was fun to get out and do a fun activity!

A constant theme this last month for every missionary meeting is FAITH. Everything relies on Faith. If we believe it is possible than there is no way that it will be impossible. Our Savior will provide for us. If we put our trust in Him, He will never let us fall to hard. He knows us so well that He will succor us in our time of need!

Love Sister Comte

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