Wednesday, September 9, 2009

September 8th Email

Dear Family and Friends,

Another week has come and gone. This was definantly one of the longest weeks of my mission.

I feel ill on Tuesday. But I am much better today. I had some neat experiences through my sickness though that I know my Heavenly Father gave to me. First off was the Priesthood. Some of the elders gave me a blessing on Tuesday and from then on I knew I would be better. Another thing that was really neat was when I had to get chest X-rays to see if I had bronchitis. The guy, don't worry there were other women in the room, taking them asked if I had any metal on and I told him no. (I had forgotten my magnet name tag that I had on) After the first try to complete the X-ray, he said "YOu have something metal in your heart. Are you sure you haven't had surgery?" I told him I probably would have remembered that and then he pointed at my tag. I thought that was neat that as missionaries we all need to have the Savior in our hearts.

Last week we taught the youth in our ward how to teach the first discussion. There is a part member family, The Browns, in our ward, one that we have been trying to work with.Their two oldest daughters are in YW and for practice they taught the first lesson(for FHE) to their non-member father. It was really neat. Their mom called us the next day. She said that the lesson was amazing and that the dad had alot of questions. The spirit was so strong as she told me about how her daughters testified to their Dad that they knew it was true. Their dad kept saying to them "You believe it is true." And they would respond, "No dad, we KNOW it is true." She said the spirit was so strong. They didn't get through the whole lesson because the Dad had so many questions. So the wife said she would call the missionaries. He was a little hesitant but we went over anyways. He was the nicest guy. He sat in our spiritual thought. I hope that soon we can start actually teaching Brother Brown. He is definantly being prepared.

The Gleasons are doing great. They finally came to church this week. I know that they all felt the spirit because of the wonderful testimony meeting that we had. We taught them about the gospel of Jesus Christ and Katie and Michael both expressed their desire to be baptized. They are just children but they know where to put their faith. It just goes to show that when the Savior says to become as a little child, He is reminding us to have more faith. Katie and Michael are really good examples to me.

Yesterday was a really good P-Day. We went out to a members house and played in their back fields. We also got to Deworm, which means to shoot medicine into their mouths, their horses.

At first I was very digusted and said I wouldn't do it. But they talked me into it. We then played games in their back fields. They have a 21, 18, 16, and a four year old at home so we had alot of fun with them. Then we went hiking which was gorgeous. When we got home we showered and got ready for a barbeque we were invited to. One of our investigators, Edward O'Neal, cooked all the food for the barbeque. We were doing the whole barbeque for a fellowshipping opportunity. It was a great time for the ward to really get to know Edward. He made some really good ribs as well.

Well, thats all for this week. It has been long but one full of learning. I wish I could tell you everything I was learning but it would take pages to write it all down. This morning we had interviews with the mission President. He told us that the meaning of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. If we want different results than we must do something differently in our lives. May we all step out of our comfort zone to make the world a better place is my prayer. I love you all and appreciate all of your prayers!

Sister Comte

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