Saturday, October 16, 2010

A View from the Top

I love my job! Mainly I love it because I have the best boss ever. He is one of the most kind, loving and considerate people I know. He treats me like I am his daughter and I feel like he is a father figure to me. He saved my job for me while I was on my mission and I was so thankful to be able to come back to work for him. Today we had a work party up at his cabin. It was a beautiful drive up Provo canyon. It is defiantly fall! I wish I could have gotten more pictures but I was driving. When we finally got there we had a potluck lunch. One of our full-time workers, Martha and her Husband Pat, made sloppy joes for all of us. We then sat around and sang as one of my co-workers played his guitar. Another girl played her ukulele and sang. The best part was Brad telling us stories for his time in the military. I love how patriotic he is. He cried as he talked about this great country. We laughed and laughed at his story, or should I say stories (he gets off track alot, but he side stories are just as great).
On our way to the cabin we stopped at the airport in Heber. My boss is retired Army and is very patriotic, like I mentioned before. He saw this plane on the way up and decided we should stop and see if we could get a better look. The pilot was more than willing to show us his plane. It looked just like the one above which is a T-28. These were built right after WW2 and were a training plane. The pilot, who was an Air Force retiree, got the plane out of Nevada. It was brought to the US from Laos after a war there. After talking to us about the plane, he took off for us and did a little air show for us. It was really exciting when he flew over us and then did a spin! Sorry for no actually pictures, I forgot my camera in the car. But no need to worry, I will get pictures from some others who had their cameras.

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