Friday, October 8, 2010


I have been having a really hard week. I don't know if it is because it is mid-terms and all I do is study or if it is because I am really lonely. Probably a combination of both. I am also super homesick for Florida and my "family" there. I was sitting on my bed just now, having my own little pity party when I decided that having a pity party isn't very fun. So I thought that I would sit down at my computer for a minute and write about somethings that I am very thankful for in my life. Gratitude always helps to cheer me up and helps me to think more on the positives of life. I would write about all the things I am thankful for but this post would never end!

First, I am so thankful for my mother! This week I have had horrible migraine headaches and have been pretty sick with them. On Wednesday night, my sweet mom, came into town, went to the health food store and found some awesome medicine for me to take! Thanks Mom, it did the trick and I am headache free tonight!
I am also thankful for my awesome friend Marisa. She lets me come over whenever I want and hold her adorable baby. Thanks, it really helps me to be not so lonely.
I am thankful for my memory. I am grateful for the memories I have created over my lifetime. I am thankful for my mission and all the things I learned while serving. I am thankful for the people I taught and the ones I didn't teach. I am especially thankful for this family below and for the examples they are to me. The oldest son, in the green, goes to seminary every morning at 6:00! That's early! And for the awesome mother, who does it all by herself and does stupendously.
The Gleason's!

I am thankful for the gospel and the peace it brings to me. I am thankful that I was able to go to General Conference in the Conference center. I am thankful for my apartment! I am thankful for love and the abundance I feel when I count my blessings. I am so grateful for my cousin Heidi and her letting me be a part of her daughters lifes.

I am thankful for my job and for the money I receive from an honest days work! I am thankful for the fall and for Halloween! I am thankful for my ability to be crafty. I am really thankful for my time here on earth and the productive things I do each day. I am more than grateful for my RM planner, it keeps me going! I grateful to be going to BYU and the neat atmosphere that surrounds me at school. I am grateful for the scriptures and for knowing that they are true! I am thankful for my parents neighbors that I love so much; you know who you are! I am grateful for worthy music and for the spirit I feel when I participate in uplifting things! I am thankful for my mind and the way it works! I am thankful for a bed, blankets, and the ability to sleep at night. I am thankful for who I am and the situation I am in.

I just need to remind myself often of these things. Dwelling on the positive is the only way to go! It doesn't help me at all to complain and no one wants to hear it. Last week I heard Stephanie Nielson speak at BYU. I you don't know who that is her blog is Two years ago, she was in a fatal plane crash which killed a friend of hers. Her and her husband survived. She is such an inspirational person and is GRATEFUL for her trials. I want to be more like her; grateful for all things. Check her and her blog out. I promise you will be inspired and want to sit down to count your blessings, good or bad!
P.S. I am really thankful for this little, or should I say big, guy. He always makes me smile. He calls me Princess and he says that he is my king! I can't get enough of him of his family. Boy, am I ever thankful for Skype!

1 comment:

The Holdaway Family said...

Oh, Jodi! I love you so much! You are a wonderful woman and such a good example for everyone you are around! I hope you get feeling better about everything!