Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween; No Makeup Required

On Friday night, I slipped on the kitchen floor at my parents house. I hit my head on something; we aren't quite sure what it was because it was late and I didn't have my glasses on. My head split open and we had to go to the ER. It hurt really bad and I HATE hospitals. I am petrified of needles. The thought of stitches made me bawl like a baby. I got eight stitches. I am not so scared of hospitals anymore, because they were so good to me Friday night/Saturday morning! The only thing that really hurt was when they numbed my forehead. It was weird to look out of my peripheral vision and see thread coming out of my head. But I was surprisingly calm through most of the ordeal. Needless to say, I have a really big headache today and my eye is black and blue.
We had an awesome surprise party for my dad yesterday. More is to come about that. It was a dress up party. Can anyone guess what I was? I was going to be Minnie Mouse or Snow White. But I ended up being a boxer; no makeup required!
This is to show you how black and blue I was! I am kind of brown now! I took this picture on my computer and it took a mirror image of me. The cut it actually on the right side of my face.


merrilykaroly said...

Oh no!!!! I hope you heal quickly!!! That is a pretty funny Halloween costume though :)

The Holdaway Family said...

OH, Jodi! I am so sorry! That must have been so painful!