Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Update Time!

For all who are wondering, my forehead is healing nicely. I got my stitches out and now have little strips over the wound. The nurse that took them out says that I won't have much of a scar. It is still very itchy at times and my black eye is still not totally gone. I can not jump around very much or spin but I am back to pretty regular functioning.
As you know, it is the month of Thanksgiving. I am so thankful for many things. My sister-in-law has a wonderful blog and is writing something she is thankful for each and every day this month. I thought I would do the same but I don't want to steal her idea. So I will just post once in awhile and depending on the day will post how many things I am thankful for. (By the way my sister-in-law is working on a new layout for my blog. That's why it looks so plain right now!) These things are in no particular order but all of them are very near and dear to my heart.

1. The Gospel of Jesus Christ
There are so many things that fall under this heading. The temple, the sacrament, the covenants that we make with our Heavenly Father, knowing the truth, having a prophet, paying tithing, having a ward family, Relief Society, knowing who I really am, love, joy, peace, awesome religion classes, and sooooooooo much more. I love the church! I am grateful to have been born and raised in the church because it is the only true church on the earth!

2. My Wonderful Family
Once again there are so many things that I am thankful for in this category as well. My family is amazing. I have great brothers. I have very talented sister-in-laws and a very cute niece and a great nephew. (or should I say King) My mother is amazing and helps me everyday to just make it through and my dad is always there when I need him. Always! I love my family very much!

3. Brigham Young University
Even though I feel that it will be my udder destruction, I am so very grateful for school. I have been accepted into the elementary education program here at BYU and will start next semester. I am grateful for BYU because I LOVE starting class, not just religion courses, with a prayer. I love the atmosphere that comes from students you are striving to live the honor code. I love my professors and all those that I associate with on campus.

4. My Cousin and her Girls
I love Heidi, Kirstee and Makadee. They always make me so happy. Heidi is really fun to talk to and we could and can talk for hours on end when we have the time. Heidi is so gracious to let me be a part of her children's lifes. Kirstee turned eight this last weekend. Her and her cousin were baptized on Saturday morning. I was asked to give the closing prayer. I choked up in the prayer because the spirit was strong. Kirstee is a beautiful girl and always makes me laugh. Makadee is so cute and is very sweet most of the time. She always want me around and that makes me so happy.

5. Apartment
I love my apartment. I got a really good deal on a really nice little place in Provo. I have my own room. I have great roommates. I could walk to campus but it is getting a little cold. I live two blocks away from one of my best friends and her little family. The ward is great here as well. The bishop asked my name once and has never asked again because he remembered it!

6. Job
I have written about my job earlier on my blog, but I want to reiterate a few things. First is my wonderful boss/second father. Brad is always making sure I am okay even if it has nothing to do with work. He cares about my schooling and about my personal life. He was so sad when I injured myself. Everyone at work for that matter was worried about me. I love to deliver mail because I get to talk to a lot of people. I have made so many good friends through my job!

7. Beautiful Earth

I love when the leafs change colors. This picture was taken by Ryan or Sam when they went on a picnic a couple weeks ago. Aren't the mountains something? I love this earth and it is so beautiful to behold!

8. Friends

I don't know who took this photo but they need a little help with cropping! I love this picture though because it is with one of my best friends Heather. Heather and I were friends when we were in Junior High. She moved away after about 2 years of being my neighbor and I was so heartbroken. We stayed in contact over the years but it wasn't very good contact. We would maybe talk to each other once a year. I got to go to her wedding but hadn't heard much from her since then. She heard through the grape vine that I was going on a mission. We went to lunch the week before I left for the MTC. She said she would write but so does everyone. I had been out about 2 months when she wrote to tell me she was pregnant. She wrote several more times. I am so thankful for her because she was a true friend to me when I got home. When I was so lonely and no one was around, she was. She holds a dear spot in my heart. I am so happy because she is pregnant with baby #2.

9. Planner
Oh, how I love to plan!!! This is defiantly a product of my mission. I learned how to really plan when I was in Florida and haven't stopped planning. I know this is strange but I have a RM planner. I try and plan each day out. It is amazing how much better my days are if I plan it out!

10. Talents and Abilities
I am so grateful for the talents and abilities that God has given to me. I love to be crafty. Last weekend I made a tutu for Kirstee's Birthday. It made me crazy because I didn't have much time to do it. But it was worth it and much more to see Kirstee's smile when she put it on. She didn't want to take it off, not even for bedtime. I also love children and feel that God has given me a great ability to work with them. I also feel that I have a pretty good mind. I can remember names for the most part and have good recall memory!

1 comment:

The Holdaway Family said...

I'm glad that your eye is healing, and I hope the nurse is right and the scar heals perfectly!

November is such a wonderful month, it's nice to think of all the many wonderful things that we have and to remember to be thankful for them!