Friday, December 31, 2010

Year in Review

Since it is the last day of the year, I thought I would look back on the great year that I had. It truly has been a great year and I am so thankful for all that I have gotten to do and for all the wonderful people in my life!
January- The new year started out great. I was still on my mission but was very near the end. I defiantly wanted to work hard until the very end and I believe I did. January was filled with teaching the gospel and serving the Lord's children!
One of my many good-bye cakes
This is the bishop of my last ward. Him and his wife are really good role models to me!
Another family from my ward. I loved visiting this family. The last week their little boy learned my name!
February- Scott and I came home from our missions just a little over two weeks of each other. It was hard to say goodbye to Florida and the ones I loved there, but I knew it had to end sometime. I will never forget all that I learned while on my mission. February brought lots of family time as many came to visit.
Scott and I after our missions
March-Birthday Time. I spent my birthday with one of my really good friends, Heather. It was so much fun to be with her and her little boy!
April- Todd and Deedra came to visit. It was the first time Scott and I had seen Todd since our missions. While Scott and I were on our missions, Todd was deployed to Quatar with the Army. It was fun to see them. We took family pictures while they were here!

June- I started school and continued to work. At the end of the month, I went with one of my neighbor families to Lake Powell. I had so much fun riding down with them and their kids. Also, my sweet Grandmother passed away. It has been hard without her but I am glad she doesn't have to endure another winter.
This is mom with all of her brothers and sister and their spouses after Grandmas

July- Todd and Deedra were here at the first of the month for Grandma's funeral. It was fun to have them here for the Fourth of July. I am so proud of Todd and am thankful for his sacrifice for my freedom!
August- I ran into a lady from my mission on campus. I was so excited to see her. I also moved out to Provo and started school.A lady from my mission

October- I love the holidays, whatever they are. My dad's birthday is on Halloween so we had a really fun party. It would have been funner for me but I hit my head on the kitchen table the night before and was in pain the day of the party.
November- We had a really fun Thanksgiving. It was smaller this year than it has been in the past but the food was great and the company was even better!
December- It has been a really good month to end the year. Though it has been hard and sometimes lonely, I am grateful for it. I am grateful for my trials that I have had this year. I have learned a lot. I am looking forward to the new year so I can learn and grow more.
I am also grateful for all of my family, friends and loved ones that are in my life. I know that I couldn't have made it through the year without you!

1 comment:

The Holdaway Family said...

What a wonderful and eventful year!