Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thankful Day 10

Today has been hard and I don't know quite why. I have struggled with what to write tonight. Of course there are things that I am thankful for but I am trying to find the things that aren't normally mentioned on my list of thanks! It just hit me that maybe I should just list the basics tonight because I am very thankful for them. I am glad to have the basic because not everyone does!
Here is my list:
My family- each and every member of it makes my life complete. Every problem teaches me something new. And ever struggle strengthens me. The good times way out number the bad, so I will just dwell on the good!
The Gospel- I know I already mentioned this, but it is so true! I am ever so appreciative that I know the truth!
A place to live- It is cold! I am thankful for the warmth!
School- Even when it makes me cry, I am thankful for my education!
The scriptures- They carry me through life! I find so much delight in them!
Food- I seem to always be starving or way to full! I am glad that I get at least two hot meals a day!
Friends- Even though sometimes I feel so disconnected from people, I know that I am loved.
Well, that is it for tonight! Maybe I can be thankful for sleep tonight!

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